رئیس سازمان بهداشت جهانی میگوید در حمله به تنها بیمارستان فعال در شهر محاصرهشدهٔ الفاشر در دارفور سودان ۷۰ نفر کشته و ۱۹ نفر زخمی شدهاند.
تدروس آدهانوم گبریسوس روز یکشنبه هفتم بهمن با «وحشتناک» توصیف کردن این حمله، در شبکهٔ اجتماعی ایکس (توئیتر سابق) نوشت این حمله در زمانی انجام شد که بیمارستان «آموزشی مادران عربستان سعودی» مملو از بیمار بود. مقامات محلی مدعی شدهاند این حمله از سوی گروههای شبهنظامی شورشی انجام شده است. متن خبر از صفحه وی
he appalling attack on Saudi Hospital in El Fasher, #Sudan, led to 19 injuries and 70 deaths among patients and companions. At the time of the attack, the hospital was packed with patients receiving care. The attack comes at a time when access to health care is already severely constrained in the state due to the closure of health facilities following intense bombardments. As the only functional hospital in El Fasher, the Saudi Teaching Maternal Hospital provides services which include gyn-obstetrics, internal medicine, surgery and pediatrics, along with a nutrition stabilization centre. MADO Health Facility in Al Malha, North Darfur, was also attacked yesterday, resulting in a pause in providing primary health care to residents and displaced persons. We continue to call for a cessation of all attacks on health care in Sudan, and to allow full access for the swift restoration of the facilities that have been damaged. Above all,
Sudan’s people need peace. The best medicine is peace.https://x.com/DrTedros/status/1883284671007498410?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1883284671007498410%7Ctwgr%5E73699d30f82bf1576fb14095946c26ca8c786b1e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiofarda.com%2Fa%2Fsome-70-people-killed-in-attack-on-hospital-in-sudan-s-darfur-region-who-chief-says%2F33289319.html