Demonstrators carry placards during a rally in solidarity with supporters of the Women's March in Washington and many other cities on January 21, 2017 at the Place de Trocadero in Paris, one day after the inauguration of the US President Donald Trump.
Protest rallies were held in over 30 countries around the world in solidarity with the Washington Women's March in defense of press freedom, women's and human rights following the official inauguration of Donald J Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America. / AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERGERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images
NYTCREDIT: Eric Feferberg/Agence France-Presse -- Getty Images
نگاه روز: انتخابات در فرانسه،گفتگو با پیام آذر-۲۵ آوریل ۲۰۱۷
آوریل 28, 2017