Nasser Asgary: An appeal for support to the Iranian Revolutionary Movement

As you may have heard from mainstream as well as social media, Iran is witnessing one of its strongest and most powerful waves of protests. The initial pretext may have come from hiking fuel prices, but its real reason is unbearable living conditions that have been imposed on the people for more than 4 decades to subsidize the Islamic regime’s reactionary and murderous plans, not just inside Iran itself, but around the world and especially in the Middle East. Islamic regime of Iran is responsible for more than half of terrorist actions in the world, nearly equalling US. It is responsible for crushing Syrian revolution. It is responsible for the current situation in Iraq. And the list goes on.
Workers protests and women’s resistance to Islamic laws, especially in the last decade had been daily occurrence. But last year, or since 2018 – 2019 Iranian Protests, they almost increased 10 fold. The repression also has increased. 2019 witnessed jailing of hundreds of labour and women’s rights activists, more than any period of this regime’s life, save for the first decade of its rule. These are the facts that have been well documented by various journalists and political activists that can easily be searched and found.

But, what this powerful wave of protests need from us all; from socialists, feminists, communists, trade unionists, liberal minded progressives, and all that have enough of this barbaric system, is support. We need to voice our support to the revolution and to let the Islamic regime know that the revolution and the revolutionaries in Iran are not alone!

Nasser Asgary
November 22nd, 2019

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