Nasser Asgary: British Labour Party and the Iranian uprising

Britain has a sizable left political activists and most of them are working within the Labour Party. Judging from what they have written in their Facebook and Tweeter postings as well as on their blogs and their separate smaller organizations websites, most of them are quiet excited by the recent political events in Iran; though their mother organization has never been able to see who is wearing the “Black Hats” in the region!

The Labour Party, it seems, to have been under increasing pressure from below to say something about the protests in Iran, likely to support it, and mostly from the very same people that helped Jeremy Corbyn to become the leader of the party. Emily Thornberry, a very high ranking Labour Party politician, likely speaking for the official position of the party, addressed the growing concerns of its supporter on January 5th, with Nick Robinson of BBC. She said the Labour Party is not supporting the protesters, because it cannot see who has the White Hats.

I am personally not surprised by this stand. When it comes to the Middle East politics, Jeremy Corbyn has very explicitly stood beside Hezbollah and the Hamas and on the side of other Islamists such as ISIS, Assad regime, Taliban, etc. implicitly. All of these ultra reactionary gangs belong to one movement: Political Islam. In the Middle East, unfortunately, Corbyn had tied himself to this movement. No-one should expect he would have changed this politics after moving to the leadership of the Labour Party. In 2014, before becoming leader of the Labour party, Corbyn spoke at an event at London Islamic centre to mark the anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. Here he praised Islamic regimes; “Tolerance and acceptance of other faiths, traditions and ethnic groupings in Iran.” How stupid he must have thought his audience were?! Corbyn was a regular guest on the Iranian state-owned broadcaster, Press TV. It is on record that he made a bundle to say very same lies here that he told his audience in that London Islamic centre. Mr. Corbyn was paid thousands of Pounds Sterling by the very same regime that didn’t pay workers their lawful wages for months and when they went on protests, they were violently suppressed by security forces. Mr. Corbyn cannot claim he wasn’t aware of this. Workers’ Rights activists, both from inside Iran and from abroad, have raised this issue many, many times! Enough about Jeremy Corbyn himself. It is up to the Labour Party’s supporters to stand up to Corbynites in that party and demand the party to stop standing on the side of thugs that have ruled Iran for about 4 decades.

It may be argued by some that it will be hard to see a third option in some of the countries that Islamists are active in; though this is a very weak defence of a deplorable political position. Regardless of what pretext one would use to cover his/her position, in Iran, one only has to read news headlines to see who is demanding what! The protestors are women, students, workers, unemployed, pensioners, etc. They have been demanding their very basic rights. The deafening slogan which even BBC and CNN have heard is Bread, Work, and Freedom. What is so hard about this demand and demands like this that Ms. Thornberry and her party wouldn’t understand?! Every analysis of the current uprising, even from the exports sympathizing with the Islamic regime, point to poverty, to systematic embezzlement and corruption, which has made life unbearable to a vast majority of the people in that country. What is so complicated about this that the Labour Party cannot understand?!

The Labour Party leadership is not confused; but wants to confuse its base. The revolution in Iran has started and I have no doubt it will succeed toppling the thuggish Islamic regime. Ms. Thornberry, Mr. Corbyn and the rest of the Anti-Imperialist pro Islamists at the head of the Labour Party have their benefits supporting those wearing Black Hats. The base of this party, the workers, the trade unions and those Marxists, will have to answer the protests in the streets of more than 100 cities in Iran: why they stood by Islamic regime of Iran!?

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